Anwar Sheikh
Inna Lillahi Wa inna ilahi Raajioon-
Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.
It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of Brother Anwar Sheikh, husband of Musarrat Sheikh
and father of Anila, Nabila, and Rahila (Bubbli, Goshi, Nimmi)
and father in law of Inam and Minhas.
He was loving grandfather to Ahad, Hamza, & Sonia, Yusuf, Yaseen, Rayyan, & Mustafa.
Brother Anwar departed this morning. May Allah (SWT) forgive all his sins, Allah (SWT) shower His mercy and love upon him and grant him highest place in jannatul Firdous Aameen.
Please keep him and his family in your duas at this very difficult time.
Aameen. Janazah prayer will be held Insha’Allah tomorrow Friday October 24 at Shirley Gate masjid (4420 Shirley Gate Road, Fairfax, VA) . 1pm Jumma.
Followed by the funeral services at National Memorial Park, 7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA
Visits: 571