Muhammad Abdul Aziz

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Muhammad Abdul Aziz, the father of Muhammad Nader and maternal uncle of Dr. Kashif Yahya. May Allah SWT admit him to Jannatul Firdaus and may He grant the family Sabr and ease.

The Janazah Salat for Brother Muhammad Abdul Aziz will be held today, Sunday, August 3rd after Dhuhr Salat at 1:45pm at Masjid AlRahmah (ISB) in Baltmore, Md. The burial will take place immediately afterwards, inshaa Allah.

Please join the Dhuhr and Janazah Salat, and kindly remember the brother and his family in your dua’s.
Jazaakallahu khayran
Islamic Community Center of Laurel

Visits: 370
