S Yusuf un Nisa


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,
Dear ADAMS Community,

Inna lil-laahi Wa innaa-ilayhi Raji’oon! To Allah(SWT) we belong and to Allah(SWT) we return.
Sister Yusuf un Nisa passed away today.
Loving mother of Br. Mujahid, Javed, Mohsin, Hamid, Sr. Bilquis, Sr. Faheem, Sr. Najma and Sr. Waseem. Grandmother of Br. Asef, Altaf, Sarah Mir and over 20 grandchildren. Great grandmother of Ismail, Ishaq, Amaan, Ameen, Hana, Muhammad and over a dozen more grandchildren. Also, she was a grandmother in law of Sr. Zohra Mir.

May Allah Subhana Wa Taala shower His mercy on her and Grant her highest level in Jannat-ul-Firdous. – Ameen.
May Allah Subhana Wa Taala give Sabr to the family members to bear this great loss of a beloved family member – Ameen.

Sr. Yusuf un Nisa recited Allah’s name and did continues dhikr at all times of the day for hours and hours. MashaAllah, she had a very strong belief and trust in Allah. Please make dua for her as she was an outstanding and caring individual. All family members will miss her dearly and make dua that her journey in her next phase of life is full of Allah’s Mercy. Ameen.
Since a few years, her memory became so weak she could not remember her own name. But, she never forgot her durood shareef, Kalimah and seeking maghfira for herself, family and ummah,subhan’Allah. The days leading up to her death, she requested others to recite near her ear.

In her final moments in this dunya, she softly recited dhikr and returned to Allah.
Br. Asef Mir and family humbly request all community members to attend their beloved grand mother’s Janazah prayer.
Insha’Allah Janazah prayer will be held on Sunday, Aug 10th after Duhr prayer @1:30 pm. InshaAllah.
Dar ul Huda 6666 Commerce St Springfield, VA

Burial will take place at
Stafford Cemetery
1112 Brooke Rd, Fredericksburg, VA.

Visits: 192
