sister Nawal Abdul-Hamid Ahmad, who is the mother of our ICCL member Dr. Tarek Hammad and the wife of Br. Abdul Munim Hammad.
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of sister Nawal Abdul-Hamid Ahmad, who is the mother of our ICCL member Dr. Tarek Hammad and the wife of Br. Abdul Munim Hammad. The Janazah prayer will be Saturday, October 20th after Zuhr prayer at Dar Al Taqwa.
Verily, to Allah belongs what He has taken, to Him belongs what He bestows, and everything has an assigned time with Him, so be patient, and hope for reward. The family requests dua for Allah to forgive her sins, have mercy on her and make her grave a garden of Paradise. Ameen.
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