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  • Muhammed Zakeriyya Yusuf Laher June 8, 2019 / 5 Shawwal,1440 “Boundary” Kempton Park
Muhammed Zakeriyya Yusuf Laher June 8, 2019 / 5 Shawwal,1440  “Boundary” Kempton Park

Muhammed Zakeriyya Yusuf Laher June 8, 2019 / 5 Shawwal,1440 “Boundary” Kempton Park

Muhammed Zakeriyya Yusuf Laher passed away on June 8, 2019/ 5 Shawwal, 1440  He  is from the Kempton Park “Boundary” Laher family.

He is the son of the late Yusuf Laher of “Boundary” Kempton Park who passed away in 1995/1416 and the nephew of  Saleh Bhai. He is survived by his wife Zaheera, children Yusuf (12) and twins Salmaan and Sulaiman (8),  his elder brother Mohammed, sisters Ayesha and Zaynab, mother “Choti mami”, many many loving aunts, uncles, cousins and extended family. He was soft spoken, warm and a very pleasant fellow.

Janaaza will be on Sunday 6/9/19  Inna lillah WA Inna illahi راجوں.

We humbly ask Allah SWT through our prayers to make it easy for all of the family to accept this loss and remain strong  and united in all the good that they do.

We also humbly request Allah SWT to accept our prayers for forgiveness for whatever transgressions that the deceased may have committed during his life.

We ask that he be rewarded for all good deeds with a good station in Jannah

His father’s Yusuf (Essop Bhai) grave in Newclare can be seen below


اسلام علیکم ورحمة الله وبركاته
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
اللهم اغفر له وارحمه واسكنه فسيح جناته.

The mayyit of Late Muhammad Zakariyyah Yusuf Laher son of Late Yusuf Bhai Laher Boundary Silk Bazaar.

Marhoom Muhammad Zakariyyah is the father of Yusuf, Salmaan and Sulaiman.



Visits: 660
