Arshad Javed 5/21/19 Ramadan
Brother Arshad Javed has passed away. May Allah (swt) forgive all of Br. Javed’s sins and grant him Jannah. May Allah give patience to his family and loved ones.
The Janazah prayer will be held today, Tuesday, 05/21/2019, after Dhuhr Salaah (1:30 pm) at Dar al Noor.
Dar Alnoor Islamic Community Center
We ask Allah (SWT) to shower her with His mercy, compassion and forgiveness, and to grant her the highest ranks in paradise, and give her family support and patience during these difficult times.
“O Allah, pardon our living and our dead, and our present and our absent, and our young and our old, and our men and women, O Allah, whom you keep alive amongst us, keep them alive upon Islam and whom you cause to die, let them die upon Faith”
(Tirmidhi, Vol 1, Page 121
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