Mother of Nazar Mohl

In’na Lil’laahi wa In’na Ilayhi Raajeoon 

 Janazah (Thursday May 2 , 2013) – 1:30pm at ICCL

 As salam alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

 It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of our dear elder and mother of our beloved respected Brother Nazar Mohl.  

Our beloved sister was also the mother-in-law of our respected community members and teachers Sr. Naghmana Abdul Sattar and grandmother of Sr Sana Mohl. 

We ask Allah to forgive her, have mercy on her and give her Jannat ul-Firdous.  We also ask Allah to give patience to the family during these difficult times. Ameen

 Janazah Information

Thursday May 2nd After Zuhr Prayer – (1:30PM) at Islamic Community Center of Laurel


Visits: 245
