Syed Hussamuddin
amu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatahu
With a very heavy heart, I have to pass on the information that our sister, Syedah Raihana has returned to Allah SWT. Inna Lillahe wa Inna Alaihe Rajewoon (From Allah we Come and to Him we Return). May Allah SWT Bless her soul with His Rahmah and Maghfirah, forgive her all sins, place her soul in Jannatul Furdaus and grant her survivors and each family members with Sabr-e-Jameel. Aameen Thumma Aameen.
Brother Syed Hussamuddin has just called me and informed me that her body will be ready for Salatul Janazah at ADAMS Center Tomorrow (May 20, 2014) after Zuhar Prayer (Iqamah Time 1:30 PM).
All are requested to attend the Salatul Janazah at ADAMS Center, followed by burial at National Memorial Park Garden Cemetery, located at 7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church VA 22042.
Please make Dua to Allah SWT for the Maghfirah and Hesaaban Yaseera for the departed soul and to grant patient for her the grieved family. Ameen.
With Condolences,
Mohammad Hussain Imam
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