Mohammed Ibrahim Khan,

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Asalamu Alikium Wa-Rahmatuh Allahi Wa-Baraktuh,

“Truly, we are from Allah, and to Him we shall return”

“O Soul that rests in peace, return to your Lord contently well-pleasing unto Him. Enter among My servants and enter into My Garden” – 89:27-30)

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of brother Mohammed Ibrahim Khan,
the cousin of sister Fareeda Zuberi, the uncle of brothers Anwer and Ibrahim Zuberi, in India.

We ask Allah SWT to forgive him, have mercy on himand give him Jannat ul-Firdous.
We also ask Allah SWT to give patience to the family during this difficult time.


Jazakium Allahu Khairan
Islamic Community Center of Laurel

Visits: 252
