Ramadan Passings 2018 – Sister Kadria Abdelkader 5/26/18
The Dar-us-Salaam community extends its condolences to the family of Sister Kadria Abdelkader of Ellicott City, MD who passed away today. May Allah forgive her shortcomings and grant her Jannat ul Firdaus.
Sister Kadria was the dear Mother of Maged El-Badewi of Egypt, and Dr. Khaled El-Bedawi and daughter-in-law, Debby Rashed and grandchildren Bilal and Bushra of Maryland. She was also a family member of Marwa Megahed, wife of Imam Ahmed Elzaree.
May Allah also grant her family patience and ease, Ameen.
Salaat al-Janazah for Kadria Abdelkader was held after Dhuhr @ 1:30pm Sunday, May 27, 2018 at
The Prince George’s Muslim Association
9150 Lanham Severn Road, Lanham, MD 20706
Visits: 351