Luqman Oda

As salaam alaikum,


With a heavy heart I am sad to say that my dear friend Ola Oda’s brother Luqman Oda died this weekend in a car accident.

He was only 32 years old and left behind a one year old son and a wife.

Ola lived in Ashburn and was a part of the ADAMS community before relocating. She is also the sister of Muhammad Oda in Maryland and sister in law of Lauren Schreiber who works at CAIR. They are also my good friends.

May this be a reminder for us that life is short and we must take every moment we can to do good, appreciate our loved ones and live this life as if we are simply a traveler.

Please make dua for this family, especially during this blessed month of Ramadan. They also lost their mother last year and are still healing from that loss. Please ask Allah to have mercy on his soul and grant him Jennah.

Please ask Allah to have mercy on their mother’s soul and grant her Jennah as well. Please ask Allah to give this family patience and strength. These are the last ten days of Ramadan. One of the best times to make dua!

Jazak Allah Khairun and may Allah continue to bless us all, ameen.

S Khadija

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